Advice, solutions & operations for the future of work.
Felix Real Estate is a hybrid commercial real estate company with a clear vision of the future of the workplace.
Our team has successfully partnered with landlords and occupiers for over a decade, operating high quality flexible and managed space with epic service delivery.
In the past, transitioning clients into commercial leases has been reactive. However, the opportunity to connect the dots and proactively manage the transition is enormous for landlords and occupiers.
From flexible workspaces to conventional leases. We connect the dots for landlords and occupiers.
Flex Advisory:
Felix helps landlords ‘Add Flex’ to buildings: providing must have amenities to attract corporate occupiers such as access to flexible workspace, including lounges and conferencing, with a hospitality led service overlay is now expected. Easy access to these amenities drives operational efficiencies for large occupiers and incubates growing businesses creating a pipeline of future tenants.
Tenant Representation:
Felix helps businesses of all sizes and stages navigate their commercial real estate journey. This requires a more advanced understanding of the future of work than was required in the past. We help find offices with the right amenities, configuration, and design to drive your business’s cultural and commercial objectives.
Bespoke Managed Offices:
A bespoke managed office is a cost-effective and custom-designed office solution with a layout matched to a business’ own specifications. It is sourced, secured and fitted out by Felix Real Estate and managed by our sister company Liberty Flexible Workspaces. A bespoke managed office solution gives you the flexibility and cost certainty of a serviced office, whilst delivering the security and control that a traditional lease provides.